A mother is not the only one who has memories of baby and toddlerhood. Grandparents also play a very important part in the making and keeping of a child's memories.
The advent of the holiday season marks the passing of another year. Each of us becomes a bit more nostalgic than usual at this time so rich in tradition and with the reminders of ending and beginnings so close on every hand. As minds wander over the previous year and holidays past we can see those little ones that are dear to our hearts and mark their growth with each holiday.
It is often difficult to believe that the little one that runs about the house with pattering feet and a barely decipherable chatter was little more than a roly-poly smiling bundle at this same time last year.
Good intentions
Each baby is born to mothers who have the best of intentions to record and photograph each moment of this child's life. Many mothers rise to this challenge amid hectic schedules and life's demands. Yet few remain as committed to the scrapbook of the last child as they were with the first. Some mothers just don't have time to even begin and those cute baby memory books remain untouched as the years pass.
Filling a need
Moms and Dads are not the only persons in a child's life that have memories to record and share. Aunties and Grandmas also love and care for these babies from birth to the toddler years and right on up. This year why not give a gift that records and shares these precious memories with your precious baby?
Photos that are locked on computer hard drives or remain hidden on memory chips in cameras aren't very accessible. Toddlers love to see pictures of themselves and hear stories featuring them as they were when they were a baby. A memory book dedicated to them will be a big hit.
The toddler is not the only one who will appreciate the memory book. Moms from the dedicated scrap booking enthusiast to the mom who never even started will appreciate photos of her child that are already arranged, journaled and require nothing of her time and energy other than pure enjoyment.
Unique perspective
Grandmas and Aunties have a unique perspective that they can share. As a grandparent or sibling you can share memories of the baby as well as the parent you knew as a child. Pointing out similarities in looks, behavior and attitudes is often fun for both the toddler and their parent to discover. You can also laugh more readily at the natural naughtiness of childhood. As a loved one not in the parental role it is a funny occurrence - not a tragic mess - when the toothpaste is emptied from the tube, or the butter is eaten in huge bites right from the cube.
Getting started
To start your memory book holiday gift give yourself time to complete it. The value of this gift is in its creation and not the monetary investment, so make sure you give it the time it deserves. The internet will be your best friend. You can get the photos you need by sending them directly from your PC to the photo shop via email. This saves time and gas. If you have the capability you can even print the photos yourself at home.
Memory books come in all shapes and sizes. You can get a one-time book that you can fill, or you can get a book that allows for the addition of pages as the years roll on. Browse online to find the book that is right for you, and then get to work. This is one gift that will be pleasing to giver and recipient alike. - 31409
The advent of the holiday season marks the passing of another year. Each of us becomes a bit more nostalgic than usual at this time so rich in tradition and with the reminders of ending and beginnings so close on every hand. As minds wander over the previous year and holidays past we can see those little ones that are dear to our hearts and mark their growth with each holiday.
It is often difficult to believe that the little one that runs about the house with pattering feet and a barely decipherable chatter was little more than a roly-poly smiling bundle at this same time last year.
Good intentions
Each baby is born to mothers who have the best of intentions to record and photograph each moment of this child's life. Many mothers rise to this challenge amid hectic schedules and life's demands. Yet few remain as committed to the scrapbook of the last child as they were with the first. Some mothers just don't have time to even begin and those cute baby memory books remain untouched as the years pass.
Filling a need
Moms and Dads are not the only persons in a child's life that have memories to record and share. Aunties and Grandmas also love and care for these babies from birth to the toddler years and right on up. This year why not give a gift that records and shares these precious memories with your precious baby?
Photos that are locked on computer hard drives or remain hidden on memory chips in cameras aren't very accessible. Toddlers love to see pictures of themselves and hear stories featuring them as they were when they were a baby. A memory book dedicated to them will be a big hit.
The toddler is not the only one who will appreciate the memory book. Moms from the dedicated scrap booking enthusiast to the mom who never even started will appreciate photos of her child that are already arranged, journaled and require nothing of her time and energy other than pure enjoyment.
Unique perspective
Grandmas and Aunties have a unique perspective that they can share. As a grandparent or sibling you can share memories of the baby as well as the parent you knew as a child. Pointing out similarities in looks, behavior and attitudes is often fun for both the toddler and their parent to discover. You can also laugh more readily at the natural naughtiness of childhood. As a loved one not in the parental role it is a funny occurrence - not a tragic mess - when the toothpaste is emptied from the tube, or the butter is eaten in huge bites right from the cube.
Getting started
To start your memory book holiday gift give yourself time to complete it. The value of this gift is in its creation and not the monetary investment, so make sure you give it the time it deserves. The internet will be your best friend. You can get the photos you need by sending them directly from your PC to the photo shop via email. This saves time and gas. If you have the capability you can even print the photos yourself at home.
Memory books come in all shapes and sizes. You can get a one-time book that you can fill, or you can get a book that allows for the addition of pages as the years roll on. Browse online to find the book that is right for you, and then get to work. This is one gift that will be pleasing to giver and recipient alike. - 31409
About the Author:
Understanding all there is to know about baby present is not always easy. Luckily you can get everything you need right here at http://www.simplyuniquebabygifts.com for your baby gifts. You will love the personalized baby gift basket.